Influence of drying methods on cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.): antioxidant activity and presence of ochratoxin A release_h6vuc6dakfflli3uersjcr7qfm

by Valterney Lima DEUS, Mariana Barros de CERQUEIRA E SILVA, Leonardo Fonseca MACIEL, Lucas Caldeirão Rodrigues MIRANDA, Elisa Yoko HIROOKA, Sérgio Eduardo SOARES, Ederlan de Souza FERREIRA, Eliete da Silva BISPO


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Showing 1 - 30 of 38 references (in 105ms)

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2009   Food Control

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Official methods of analysis

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Industrial chocolate manufacture and use
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Comparative study of commercial lyavailable cocoa products in terms of their bioactive composition
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Structural and chemical changes in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) during fermentation, drying and roasting
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2000   Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

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Fermentation of cocoa beans: influence of microbial activities and polyphenol concentrations on the flavour of chocolate
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Comparison of polyphenol, methylxanthines and antioxidant activity in Theobroma cacao beans from different cocoa-growing areas in Colombia
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2014   Food Research International

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Ochratoxigenic fungi and ochratoxin A in cocoa during farm processing
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Using Time Series Analysis to Characterize Evolutionary and Plastic Responses to Environmental Change: A Case Study of a Shift toward Earlier Migration Date in Sockeye Salmon
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Effect of Fermentation and Drying on Procyanidins, Antiradical Activity and Reducing Properties of Cocoa Beans
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Phenolic compounds, methylxanthines and antioxidant activity in cocoa mass and chocolates produced from "witch broom disease" resistant and non resistant cocoa cultivars
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Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenol and Procyanidin Contents of Selected Commercially Available Cocoa-Containing and Chocolate Products in the United States
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Effect of drying conditions on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.)
Vlatka Mrkìc, Emiliano Cocci, Marco Dalla Rosa, Giampiero Sacchetti
2006   Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

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Antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of cocoa beans
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