Quality Improvement on Briquettes Made of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) Using of Brown Algae Adhesive release_gu2x6dpq3nfwvom5uztc25umi4

by Ana Dewita, M. Faisal, Asri Gani

Published in Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan by Chemical Engineering Department of Syiah Kuala University.

2020   Volume 15, p38-44


The charcoal produced from oil palm empty fruit bunches pyrolysis can be utilized as environmentally friendly alternative fuel briquettes. This research aimed at improving the quality of these EFB briquettes using brown algae adhesive (alginate). The adhesive was added at 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. Proximate analysis was then performed on EFB and the brown algae. The best quality briquettes were obtained by adding brown algae adhesive at 2.5% concentrate, which resulted in a calorific value of 21,405 J/g. Other characteristics such as moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, and fixed carbon were found to be 7.4%, 4.9%, 79%, and 8.7%, respectively. In addition, the thermal characteristics such as density, flash point, and burning time were found at 0.96 g/cm3, 5.1 second, and 300 minutes, respectively.
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Year   2020
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