Neural Adaptive PID and Neural Indirect Adaptive Control Switch Controller for Nonlinear MIMO Systems release_gkli3kjhobabxkmvlvtx3e7zwm

by Sabrine Slama, Ayachi Errachdi, Mohamed Benrejeb

Published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering by Hindawi Limited.

2019   Volume 2019, p1-11


This paper proposes an adaptive switch controller (ASC) design for the nonlinear multi-input multi-output system (MIMO). In fact, the proposed method is an online switch between the neural network adaptive PID (APID) controller and the neural network indirect adaptive controller (IAC). According to the design of the neural network IAC scheme, the adaptation law has been developed by the gradient descent (GD) method. However, the adaptive PID controller is built based on the neural network combining the PID control and explicit neural structure. The strategy of training consists of online tuning of the neural controller weights using the backpropagation algorithm to select the suitable combination of PID gains such that the error between the reference signal and the actual system output converges to zero. The stability and tracking performance of the neural network ASC, the neural network APID, and the neural network IAC are analyzed and evaluated by the Lyapunov function. Then, the controller results are compared between APID, IAC, and ASC, in this paper, applying to a nonlinear system. From simulations, the proposed adaptive switch controller has better effects both on response time and on tracking performance with smallest MSE.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2019-08-14
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  1024-123X
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