@book{read_(ovro)_2014, title={Accurate Measurement of the Declinations of Radio Sources}, DOI={10.7907/7hw7-ay35}, abstractNote={The two 90-foot steerable paraboloids of the Owens Valley Radio Observatory were used as a two-element interferometer at 960 Mc/s with various separations along a north-south baseline to measure accurately the declinations of a number of radio sources, most of which were of small diameter. The measured values of declination are tabulated for 110 sources with right ascensions between 0 hours and 14 hours 10 minutes. The standard errors of the measured values range from ± 2.6 seconds of arc to ± 46 seconds of arc with an average of ± 13 seconds of arc. A discussion of the sources of error is included.}, institution={California Institute of Technology}, author={Read, Richard Bradley and (OVRO)}, year={2014}, month={Jul} }