Study on the Mechanical Characteristics of Surrounding Rock in Excavation release_gazuwswo3vddxkwm227ya7p3rq

by Xiaoqian Zhang, Chengwu Li, Chengmin Wei

Published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering by Hindawi Limited.

2021   Volume 2021, p1-11


Mine disasters, as associated problems in the development of coal resources, always threaten the life safety of miners and the production safety of enterprises. In coal roadway excavation, the coal in front of the excavation face is in a state of concentrated stress and the deformation is serious. The instability of the coal seam under stress is an important cause of the occurrence of coal and gas outburst. Thus, knowing the mechanical characteristics of surrounding rock in front of the working face is of great significance for deep understanding and effective prevention and control of coal-rock dynamic disasters. By analyzing the characteristics of stress evolution and deformation and failure in front of the heading face, the analytical solution of plastic region distribution in front of the heading face is obtained. According to the established mechanical model, MATLAB numerical calculation software is used to analyze different examples. The influence of different mechanical parameters on the stress state of the working face is studied. The influence parameters of the morphological characteristics of the plastic region are determined, and the change law and characteristics of the plastic region in front of the working face are studied. At the same time, through the characteristics of stress field, the working face dynamic risk assessment of coal and rock dynamic disaster can be realized, which can provide a powerful guarantee for the prevention and control of gas dynamic disasters in deep mine.
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Date   2021-02-26
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ISSN-L:  1024-123X
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