The Most-cited Articles in Dentistry Up to 2017 release_g5rl227hljdtrnv5q4tj3ot4ae

by Alireza Sarraf Shirazi, Jun-Ichiro Kinoshita, Atsufumi Manabe, Mikihiro Kobayashi, Hamid Jafarzadeh

Published in Journal of Dental Materials and Techniques by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.

2018   p156-166


Introduction: Citation analysis is a suitable way to help us to identify research trends within a specific topic. The purpose of this study was to identify the 100 most cited articles in the field of dentistry published over the past 67 years. Methods: A comprehensive list of the most cited articles in dentistry was compiled using ISI Web of Science. The characteristics including number of citations, authors and journals were analyzed. Results: The database resulted in 3,831 articles with 100 or more citations published between 1950 and 2017. Most of these articles had been published by the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, followed by the Journal of Periodontology, and Journal of Dental Research. Sokransky SS followed by Lindhe J, Nyman S, and Genco RJ had the most number of citations. Conclusion: The most cited articles in the field of dentistry allows for advances in this field and also provide useful information for direct future studies and patient care.
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