@article{khara_parvataneni_park_choi_kothari_kothari_2021, title={Review of ERCP Techniques in Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Patients: Highlight on the Novel EUS-Directed Transgastric ERCP (EGDE) Technique}, volume={23}, DOI={10.1007/s11894-021-00808-3}, abstractNote={Abstract Purpose of Review Hepatobiliary complications are common in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients. Despite development of multiple surgical and endoscopic access techniques over the years, ERCP using standard duodenoscope remains challenging in these patients due to the altered anatomy. Recent Findings Limited success with enteroscope-assisted and laparoscope-assisted ERCP led to the evolution of the novel EUS-directed transgastric ERCP (EDGE) procedure, with variations of this technique termed as Gastric Access Temporary for Endoscopy (GATE), EUS-guided TransGastric ERCP (EUS-TG-ERCP), EUS-guided GastroGastrostomy-assisted ERCP (EUS-GG-ERCP), and EUS-directed transgastric intervention (EDGI). EDGE has high technical (100%) and clinical success rates (60–100%), lower adverse event rate (1.5–7.6%), and up to 20% access stent migration rate; without any significant weight changes. EDGE has significantly shorter procedure time (73vs184min), post-procedural hospital stays (0.8vs2.65 days) and is more cost effective compared to other modalities. Summary EDGE technique addresses the challenges of RYGB anatomy as a minimally invasive, clinically successful, fully endoscopic, and cost-effective option. We present a literature review of the EDGE technique from its inception to current, in addition to reviewing other access techniques, their advantages, disadvantages and outcomes. }, number={7}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Khara, Harshit S. and Parvataneni, Swetha and Park, Steven and Choi, Jihye and Kothari, Truptesh H. and Kothari, Shivangi T.}, year={2021}, month={Jul} }