@article{tenzin_2022, title={Strategies to Encourage Students' Active Participation through Online Teaching in Mathematics}, DOI={10.9734/ajess/2022/v26i430635}, abstractNote={Online teaching and learning in the history of Bhutanese education system was not popular until the COVID19 pandemic hit the world since towards the end of December 2019 onwards and the desperate call for alternate ways of providing continued education to the children was highly felt. However, it was not an easy job to do for the teachers, students and parents as they lacked good knowledge, skills and attitude. In other words, they lacked required competency. Therefore, this short Research was done in a Middle Secondary School in Paro, Bhutan involving class X students as samples to find out the hindrances and to identify effective strategies that would encourage and motivate students actively participate in online lessons. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. The data were collected through framed questionnaires, class test and personal interviews simultaneously. Questionnaires were given to the participants to gather authentic responses pertaining to the online classes. Video recording were done while interviewing the participants to have authentic interpretation pf the data collected. The triangulation of the data collected from the participants revealed that it is possible to have students participate actively in online lessons as they do in face to face classroom teaching and learning when proper strategies are implemented.}, publisher={Sciencedomain International}, author={Tenzin, Gomchen}, year={2022}, month={Mar} }