Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Padi Organik (Studi Kasus : Gapoktan Sumber Makmur, Kabupaten Oku Timur Sumatera Selatan) release_fromgentdbae3kew6hpffaejbu

by Wening Tyas, Lukman M. Baga, Andriyono Kilat Adhi

Published in Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia by Institut Pertanian Bogor.

2022   Volume 10, p362-374


Organic rice has a good opportunity to be developed because consumers will get health benefits, while producers get better profits because of the higher selling price. The purpose of this research was to develop a development strategy in the organic rice business at Sumber Makmur Gapoktan which is the center for organic rice production in South Sumatra. This study identified internal and external factors, formulated alternative strategies using SWOT, then continued with hierarchical arrangement using AHP. The results of the internal and external analysis showed that gapoktan has nine strengths, five weaknesses, five opportunities and five threats. Products that have been organic certified become the most important subfactor of strength; land area is decreasing as the most important subfactor of weakness; wide open market as the most important subfactor of opportunity; while the presence of pest attacks (wereng) as the most important subfactor of threat. The priority strategy that can be implemented in the development of an organic rice business is based on the results of AHP analysis, namely collaborating with other institutions to expand marketing network.
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Date   2022-12-19
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