Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol in Aqueous Solution by Sono- Electro-Fenton Process release_fqugazog6fftvckirk67tryb2y

by Roya Nazari

Published in International Journal of Electrochemical Science by ESG.

2018   Volume 13, Issue 9, p9214-9230


Electro-Fenton (EF) and ultrasound radiation (US) have been of interest for the removal of chlorinated compounds from water. This study evaluates the effects of different parameters on sono-electro-Fenton (SEF) for degradation of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) in an aqueous solution. This study uses pulsing US waves along with Pd-catalyzed EF to degrade contaminants in water while maintaining temperature. The usage of pulsing US waves along with Pd catalyzed EF to remove contaminants while maintaining temperature has not been reported previously. SEF ability to degrade 4-CP was compared with the performance of each process (EF and sonolysis) alone. Initial pH, current density, background electrolyte, Fe2+ concentration, Pd/Al2O3 catalyst concentration, US waves, and sonifier amplitude were optimized in a two electrode (Ti/mixed metal oxide or Ti/MMO) batch system. The degradation of 4-CP increased from 1.85% by US to 83% by EF to nearly >99.9% by coupled SEF. With US radiation under 70% amplitude and 1:10 ON/OFF ratio, the removal rate of 4-CP increased to 98% compared to 62% under EF alone within the first 120 min in the presence of 80 mg L-1 Fe2+, 16.94 mA cm-2 of current density, 1 g L-1 Pd/Al2O3 catalyst (10 mg Pd), and initial pH of 3. However, the degradation rate decreased after 120 min of treatment, and complete 4-CP removal was observed after 300 minutes. The sonolysis impacted the 4-CP removal under coupled SEF, mostly due to the contribution of mass transfer (micromixing), while radical formation was found to be absent under the conditions tested (20kHz). The pulsed US was found to increase the temperature by only 8.7°C, which was found not to impact the 4-CP volatilization or degradation. These results imply that low-level US frequency through pulses is a practical and efficient approach to support electro-Fenton reaction, improving reaction rates without the need for electrolyte cooling.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2018-08-05
Language   en ?
DOI  10.20964/2018.09.46
PubMed  30568538
PMC  PMC6296483
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ISSN-L:  1452-3981
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