title={Central immunological position of the human histo (blood) group O(H).},
abstractNote={Prokaryotic "blood group
A/B-like" antigenic structures apparently induce exclusively
cross-reactive anti-A/B immunoglobulins, which thus can neither arise in blood group A nor in B individuals, whereas the plasma proteins, involving the non-immune or "natural", polyreactive
IgM, undergo the phenotype-specific glycosidic
accommodation that excludes an essential anti-self reactivity. Consequently, the central immunological position of the human histo
(blood) group O(H) becomes evident in its comprehensive presentation of both
non-immune IgM and (largely restricted to this group) adaptive
IgM/IgG antibodies against all non-O(H) blood groups, involving their
cross-specific developmental and/or "aberrant" structures, as there
are the early eukaryotic, trans-species O-glycans, T
(Thomsen-Friedenreich) and Tn, "T nouvelle" antigen. These ancestral
glycans arise from O-glycosylations that are, with similar peptide
backbones, already used by lower eukaryotes, such as mollusks and
the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, moreover, in the snail
Helix pomatia are associated with the release of the hexamerically structured
anti-A/Tn-reactive agglutinin.
author={Arend, Peter},