Physical properties of beans of the BRSMG majestoso cultivar during drying
Aline Almeida Da Paixão,
Paulo Cesar Corrêa,
Fernanda Machado Baptestini,
Juliana Soares Zeymer,
Jaime Daniel Bustos-Vanegas
2020 Volume 36
Beans are the main source of protein of plant origin in the Brazilian diet, they also contain phenolic compounds, antioxidants, iron, fibers and vitamins. The BRSMG Majestoso cultivar belongs to the commercial group of carioca beans, displays high productivity, excellent health and a 90-day cycle, has high yield and is resistant to disease. The study of physical properties enables the prediction of agricultural products behavior relative to responses of physical and chemical treatments, in order to allow the maintenance of quality and safety of processed foods. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of drying on the physical characteristics of beans of the BRSMG Majestoso cultivar. Beans with an initial moisture content of approximately 0.2660 d.b. (dry basis) were used, and dried at 40ºC. The following physical characteristics were determined: bulk density, unit density, intergranular porosity, 1000-grain weight, sphericity, circularity, geometric diameter, unit volume, projected area, surface area and the surface to volume ratio. Based on the results, a reduction in the moisture content of the beans promotes an increase in bulk density, unit density, porosity, sphericity, circularity and the surface to volume ratio. Conversely, the 1000-grain weight, geometric diameter, unit volume, projected area and surface area decreased as the moisture content of the beans was reduced.
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