@article{wootton_cheng_decker_lee_sereno_yang_(ed.)_(ed.)_(ed.)_(ed.)_2021, title={Time Domain Photon Diagnostics for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade}, volume={IBIC2021}, DOI={10.18429/jacow-ibic2021-wepp02}, abstractNote={With swap-out injection and a third-harmonic bunch lengthening cavity, time domain diagnostics will be beneficial tools in for optimisation of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade electron storage ring. In the present work, we present plans for time-domain X-ray and visible photon diagnostics for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade. Particular emphasis is given to implementation of visible light streak cameras and X-ray bunch purity monitors as time domain photon diagnostics.}, publisher={JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, author={Wootton, Kent and Cheng, Weixing and Decker, Glenn and Lee, Soonhong and Sereno, Nicholas and Yang, Bingxin and (Ed.) and (Ed.) and (Ed.) and (Ed.)}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }