@misc{johnson_quashie_chaix_kulandaivelu_adjonou_segla_kokutse_kokou_vignes_2020, title={Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for the threatened African endemic tree species Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir.}, DOI={10.22541/au.158879114.46189947}, publisher={Authorea, Inc.}, author={Johnson, Benziwa Nathalie and Quashie, Marie Luce Akossiwoa and Chaix, Gilles and Kulandaivelu, Letizia Camus and Adjonou, Kossi and Segla, Kossi Novinyo and Kokutse, Adzo Dzifa and Kokou, Kouami and Vignes, H l ne}, year={2020}, month={May} }