@article{радченко_радченко_кантор_портной_ткаченко_2018, title={ОХОЛОДЖЕННЯ ПОВІТРЯ НА ВХОДІ ГТУ З ВИКОРИСТАННЯМ РЕЗЕРВУ ХОЛОДОПРОДУКТИВНОСТІ АБСОРБЦІЙНОЇ ХОЛОДИЛЬНОЇ МАШИНИ В БУСТЕРНОМУ ПОВІТРООХОЛОДЖУВАЧІ}, DOI={10.32620/aktt.2018.1.07}, abstractNote={The processes of gas turbine unit inlet air cooling by absorption lithium-bromide chiller utilizing the turbine exhaust gas waste heat as athermotransformer has been analyzed for hour-by-hour changing ambient air temperatures and changeable heat loads on the air cooler as consequence. The computer programs of the firms-producers of heat exchangers were used for gas turbine unit inlet air cooling processes simulation. It is shown that at decreased heat loads on the air cooler an excessive refrigeration capacity of the absorption lithium-bromidechiller exceeding current heat loads is generated which can be used for covering increased heat loads on the air cooler and to reduce the refrigeration capacity of the absorption lithium-bromidechiller applied. To solve this task the refrigeration capacity required for gas turbine unit inlet air cooling is compared with an excessive refrigeration capacity of the absorption lithium-bromidechiller exceeding current heat loads summarized during 10 days of July 2015. The system of gas turbine unit inlet air cooling with a buster stage of precooling air and a base stage of cooling air to the temperature of about 15 °C by absorption lithium-bromide chiller has been proposed. An excessive refrigeration capacity of the absorption chiller generated during decreased heat loads on the gas turbine unit inlet air cooler that is collected in the thermal accumulator is used for gas turbine unit inlet air precooling in a buster stage of air cooler during increased heat loads on the air cooler. The results of gas turbine unit inlet air cooling processes simulation proved the reduction of refrigeration capacity of the absorption lithium-bromide chiller applied by 30-40 % due to the use of a buster stage of precooling air at the expanse of an excessive absorptionchiller refrigeration capacity served in the thermal accumulator. So the conclusion has been made about the efficient use of a buster stage of gas turbine unit inlet air cooler for precooling air by using an excessive refrigeration potential of absorption lithium-bromidechiller coolant saved in the thermal accumulator}, publisher={National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute}, author={Радченко and Радченко and Кантор and Портной and Ткаченко}, year={2018}, month={Feb} }