@article{mosley_2021, title={Five positive ways to motivate}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.5709454}, abstractNote={Managers often complain to me about team members who are unmotivated, who really don't seem to care about their work. Now while there is a time to move people on, I would suggest that everyone is motivated for something. Here are 5 keys that are known to be effective in accessing a team member's internal motivation. The first is simply finding work that they want to do. There is a chance that they may be feeling stifled in a role that is not satisfying for them. What is the best way to find out what would be satisfying for them? Ask them, or at least offer them some options to think about. People tend to be motivated when they are doing work that they have chosen to do. Secondly, ask for their opinion on work-related matters. People feel more valued when their opinion is sought on problems or changes that affect their work. Never underestimate what your employees know. So don't forget to ask, if you're communicating remotely, use free online video chat because eye contact is very important here. Often they will generate better ideas that what you may have done by yourself. Of course, not all of their ideas will be viable, but run with as many as you can. My third key is challenge. Some people thrive on challenge, while others would rather run a mile. For those staff who find challenges motivating, consider what parts of a project you could put them in charge of. Importantly, they need to know they have your support if they make a mistake. The fourth key to access their energy is to create opportunities for learning. As well as providing variety in their work, people are more motivated when they are learning. It is important to align learning opportunities with their interest areas. Lastly, give meaningful recognition. Recognition is most effective when it is meaningful to the person concerned and focused on what that person sees as their strengths. Catch them doing the right thing and praise them for it as soon as possible. Posit [...]}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Mosley, Henry}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }