Dynamical Connections between Large Marine Ecosystems of Austral South America based on numerical simulations release_eubg5i4guna23j6ztabdweuq2i

by Karen Guihou, Alberto R. Piola, Elbio D. Palma, Maria Paz Chidichimo

Published in Ocean Science Discussions by Copernicus GmbH.

2019   p1-26


<strong>Abstract.</strong> The Humboldt Large Marine Ecosystem (HLME) and Patagonian Large Marine Ecosystem (PLME) are the two largest marine ecosystems of the Southern Hemisphere, respectively located along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of southern America. This work investigates the exchange between these two LMEs and its variability, employing numerical model results and offline particle tracking algorithms. 27 years of a 1/12° ROMS configuration (CMM) show a general poleward transport on the Southern region of HLME, and equatorward on the Patagonian Shelf (PS). A mean transport across Cape Horn's shelf (68.1° W) is 0.95 Sv. Lagrangian simulations show that the majority of the southern PS waters originate from the upper layer in the southeast South Pacific (> 200 m), mainly from the southern Chile and Cape Horn shelves. The exchange takes place through Le Maire Strait, Magellan Strait, and the shelf-break. These inflows account to a net northeastward transport of 0.88 Sv at 51° S in the southern PLME. The transport across Magellan strait is small (0.1 Sv) but due to its relatively low salinity it impacts greatly the density and surface circulation of the coastal waters of the southern PLME. The water masses flowing into the Malvinas Embayment eventually reach the PLME through the Malvinas Shelf and occupy the outer part of the shelf. The seasonal and interannual variability of the transport are also addressed. On the southern PLME, the interannual variability of the shelf exchange is partly explained by the large-scale wind variability, which in turn is partly associated with the SAM index (r = 0.52).
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2019-09-11
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  1812-0822
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