@article{kamiya_yano_karakawa_yoshimatsu_kuramoto_suesada_miyashita_tanakura_2021, title={Breast Reconstruction with the Lumbar Artery Perforator Flap for Metachronous Breast Cancer that Developed After Contralateral Breast Reconstruction with the Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap}, DOI={10.36748/ijswc.2.4_95}, publisher={Japan Society for Surgical Wound Care}, author={Kamiya, Keisuke and Yano, Tomoyuki and Karakawa, Ryo and Yoshimatsu, Hidehiko and Kuramoto, Yukiko and Suesada, Nobuko and Miyashita, Hiroki and Tanakura, Kenta}, year={2021} }