@article{kalakech_porebski_vandenbroucke_hamad_2018, title={Unsupervised Local Binary Pattern Histogram Selection Scores for Color Texture Classification}, DOI={10.3390/jimaging4100112}, abstractNote={These last few years, several supervised scores have been proposed in the literature to select histograms. Applied to color texture classification problems, these scores have improved the accuracy by selecting the most discriminant histograms among a set of available ones computed from a color image. In this paper, two new scores are proposed to select histograms: The adapted Variance score and the adapted Laplacian score. These new scores are computed without considering the class label of the images, contrary to what is done until now. Experiments, achieved on OuTex, USPTex, and BarkTex sets, show that these unsupervised scores give as good results as the supervised ones for LBP histogram selection.}, number={10}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Kalakech, Mariam and Porebski, Alice and Vandenbroucke, Nicolas and Hamad, Denis}, year={2018}, month={Sep} }