@article{gaglioti_saracino_cellini_2022, title={"PROTECTED" but EXACTLY FROM WHAT? An overview on environmental monitoring insights, upcoming conservation purposes and outreach priorities from recent field-based experiences aimed at the SCUBA diving sector}, DOI={10.6084/m9.figshare.21792872.v2}, abstractNote={UN Decade of Ocean Sciences, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and forthcoming conservation issues, a new global framework for biodiversity resulting from COP15 negotiations, public engagement sessions and much more, but which kind of goals are we really going to pursue? The latest initiatives, supported also by the Spanish National Agency in the framework of an Erasmus+ initiative, are part of the personally promoted project "FINS INTO THE WATER OCEAN LITERACY INTO PRACTICE". At first this initiative has been set on a voluntary basis, subsequently, the engagement of other partners at national level and across Europe, sharing some working goals also within the EMSEA Med regional working group and with some of the leading representatives of SCUBA diving sector (teaching agencies and private sector professionals), made possible the development of teaching resources in order to significantly contribute to the aforementioned gap filling. Despite some formal hostilities occurred over the years from institutional representatives toward some field-engaged professionals, there is a great willingness among these people to be actively engaged in conservation goals concerning their daily working environment. This contribution is a tangible proof of this shared attitude and highlights the need to address properly conceived multidisciplinary educational sessions [1;2;3;4;5]. According to FAIR data principles all the observations and field data obtained so far will be publicly shared within the next few months even on other digital platforms, in order to contribute to the baseline research and ameliorate the upcoming steps necessary to successfully fulfill marine conservation and coastal management duties.}, publisher={figshare}, author={Gaglioti, Martina and Saracino, Annarella and Cellini, Stefano}, year={2022}, month={Dec} }