@misc{alkhawaldeh_2021, title={Cyclic Voltammogram Analysis of the Environmental Aspects of the Use of Ferrocenyl Carbinols}, DOI={10.20944/preprints202111.0542.v1}, abstractNote={Ferrocene and its derivatives have ecologically effective antidetane properties. In this regard, ferrocene reacts with cyclic ketones and ferrosenylcarbinols are synthesized. It should be noted that ferrocene enters into electrophilic reactions and the process takes place in an acidic environment. In addition, the yield of the new product was small compared to the reactions of ferrocene with non-cyclic ketones. This is due to the spatial structures of molecules. The elemental analysis of obtained compounds was carried out; the structures were researched by cyclic voltammograms and Chronoamperometric.}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={alkhawaldeh, ahmad}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }