@article{badawy_ma_baldrighi_oestreich_jester_2022, title={sj-pdf-5-jhs-10.1177_17531934211073866 - Supplemental material for Efficacy of mTOR inhibitors (sirolimus) in isolated limb overgrowth: a systematic review}, DOI={10.25384/sage.19137766.v1}, abstractNote={Supplemental material, sj-pdf-5-jhs-10.1177_17531934211073866 for Efficacy of mTOR inhibitors (sirolimus) in isolated limb overgrowth: a systematic review by Mohamed Badawy, Yangmyung Ma, Carla Baldrighi, Kerstin Oestreich and Andrea Jester in Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)}, publisher={SAGE Journals}, author={Badawy, Mohamed and Ma, Yangmyung and Baldrighi, Carla and Oestreich, Kerstin and Jester, Andrea}, year={2022}, month={Feb} }