@article{shorin_shakhmatov_gimadiev_2014, title={Сharacteristics calculation procedure for the nonlinear hydraulic chains with pulsating working media}, DOI={10.18287/2409-4579-2014-1-1-61-68}, abstractNote={The article describes a technique developed by the authors to calculate the static and dynamic errors of the hydraulic chains caused by nonlinear averaging pressure pulsations. Given an example of calculating the deviation of the engine automatic control chain characteristics due to the influence of pressure fluctuations at the output of the fuel pump gear. Keywords: Nonlinear hydraulic chain, pressure fluctuations, error, calculation method, engine, regulator, startup characteristic, deflection of the characteristics}, publisher={Samara National Research University}, author={Shorin, V. P. and Shakhmatov, E. V. and Gimadiev, A. G.}, year={2014}, month={Jun} }