@article{andrea_keni_2021, title={Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Celebrity Endorser, dan Online Advertising terhadap Brand Awareness}, DOI={10.24912/jmbk.v5i5.13286}, abstractNote={This research is conducted to show the influence of electronic word of mouth (EWOM), celebrity endorsers, and online advertising on brand awareness. This descriptive research involved quantitative data collecting use a questionnaire as a data collection method. The researcher used the convenience sampling method to take 151 respondents with valid data. The data analysis technique used Partial Least Square – Structured Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) with the help of SmartPLS 3.3.2 software. This study concluded that 1) Electronic word of mouth has an insignificantly positive effect on brand awareness, 2) Celebrity endorser has a significantly positive effect on brand awareness, 3) Online advertising has a significant positive effect on brand awareness. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan pengaruh electronic word of mouth (EWOM), celebrity endorser, dan online advertising terhadap brand awareness. Penelitian deskriptif ini melibatkan pengumpulan data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner secara cross-sectional sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Peneliti menggunakan metode convenience sampling untuk mengambil 151 responden dengan data yang valid. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Partial Least Square – Structured Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) dengan bantuan software SmartPLS 3.3.2. Singkatnya, penelitian ini memperoleh kesimpulan bahwa 1) Electronic word of mouth berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap brand awareness, 2) Celebrity endorser berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap brand awareness, 3) Online advertising berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap brand awareness.}, publisher={Universitas Tarumanagara}, author={Andrea, Anastasia Silvi and Keni, Keni}, year={2021}, month={Sep} }