The Use of 'Macro' Legal Analysis in the Understanding and Development of Global Environmental Governance release_dzs2h55vpfhefas6nn2msrjz4y

by Stephen J. Turner

Published in Transnational Environmental Law by Cambridge University Press (CUP).

2016   Issue 02, p237-257


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> This article examines the manner in which 'macro' legal analysis can potentially assist in overcoming some of the issues that are faced in the understanding and development of global environmental governance (GEG). It argues that the analysis of law through separate and distinct disciplines – such as environmental law, trade law, corporate law, and human rights law – results in what this article refers to as 'micro' legal analysis. As such, it contends that this can have the effect of creating obstacles in the development of coherent and effective legal and policy choices related to the protection of the environment. It illustrates these arguments with examples of practical problems that have arisen from the separation of legal issues in practice and provides the theoretical underpinnings, based on the critique of international lawyers, for the application of 'macro' legal analysis. In other words, it argues for a form of analysis that would consider the entire range of relevant legal disciplines in a unitary process. It then provides a methodology for the development and application of 'macro' legal analysis in relation to environmental issues. Finally, it considers the potential that this approach could have within the field of GEG and comments on the implications that it could have for the way in which lawyers are trained in the future.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2016-11-07
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  2047-1025
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