Early algebra ideas involving two variables, Clip 5 of 18: Recap of day 1, moving from one to two variables release_dwnvl3eqtfeuldj2jihxwaexmu

by Davis, Robert B. (Robert Benjamin), Carolyn Alexander Maher, Alice S. Alston, Amy Marie Martino

Published by Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning.



In the fifth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, Researcher Robert B. Davis revisits the quadratic equation tasks that the students had done on the previous day. He reminds them about the last task that they had considered, completing the Truth Table (function table) for two variables for the equation below. Michele R. comes to the board to share how she had substituted values into the "box" and "triangle" of the written equation. Milin, Matt, Jeff, Stephanie, Michele R., Michele I. and Ankur are featured during the discussion. Researchers Carolyn Maher, Alice Alston and Amy Martino are observing. The equation presented to the students with the Truth Table that they had filled in on the previous day:(□ x 2) + 1 = ∆ □ ∆ 0 1 1 3 2 5 3 7
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