Plane waves in a relativistic homogeneous and isotropic elastic continuum release_doralga62nam3lf5kirzrc6vx4

by Vratko Polák, Vladimír Balek

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Propagation of gravitational and acoustic plane waves in a flat universe filled with a general relativistic, homogeneous and isotropic, spatially flat continuum is studied. The continuum is described by analogues of nonrelativistic characteristics, namely energy per particle, pressure and Lame coefficients, and considered in the comoving proper-time gauge. For all modes with the given wave covector, differential equations governing the time dependence of the amplitudes are derived. In particular, longitudinal acoustic waves are described, in analogy with the nonrelativistic theory, by two coupled first-order equations. As an example, plane waves in a stiff ultrarigid continuum are considered.
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Type  article
Stage   accepted
Date   2007-09-06
Version   v2
Language   en ?
arXiv  gr-qc/0701055v2
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