@article{duzha_maglogiannis_moutselos_garcia_gallego_maragkos_mpetas_pontual_prat_2021, title={D5.3 CROSS-SECTOR POLICY LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT: SOFTWARE PROTOTYPE 1}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.5109510}, abstractNote={This document provides a description of the software components of the Policy Management Framework Layer and Policy Development Toolkit Layer, which are the front end parts of the Policy Cloud platform and allow policy makers to create, update and evaluate policies. At this phase of the project, the prototypes are available at component level and not integrated in the Policy Cloud platform. For each component, a description of its APIs, specification of the main functionalities, and description of the source code are provided.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Duzha, Armend and Maglogiannis, Ilias and Moutselos, Kostas and Garcia, Luis Miguel and Gallego, Jesús Manuel and Maragkos, Chris and Mpetas, Stelios and Pontual, Ana Luiza and Prat, Miquel Mila}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }