@article{grishkova_2020, title={Measures to reduce the downtime of a transit wagon with processing}, DOI={10.46684/2687-1033.1.15}, abstractNote={The program for the development of marshalling yards until 2025 assumes the concentration of car traffic processing at large, technically well-equipped marshalling yards. Measures to reduce the downtime of transit cars with processing at the marshalling yard A, aimed at identifying and reducing costs when driving freight trains of increased weight and length on the section A–I1, are relevant from a practical point of view.One way to reduce the cost of driving freight trains of increased weight and length is to avoid forming 9,000-ton trains. Station A forms trains of increased mass and length, measuring 8000 tons and 9000 tons. This technology has a certain positive effect — an increase in the average weight of the train by 25.5 tons, reducing the need for locomotives and locomotive crews, increasing the carrying capacity of the section, unloading the tracks of the receiving and sending fleet. Also, this technology entails a certain number of difficulties in operation, such as certain requirements for the equipment of locomotives and the use of only three-section locomotives for trains weighing 9,000 tons. This raises the question of the feasibility of driving trains weighing 9,000 tons. }, number={1-2}, publisher={Educational and Instructional Center for Railway Transportation}, author={Grishkova, D. Yu.}, year={2020}, month={Jun} }