Inverse Ising problem for one-dimensional chains with arbitrary finite-range couplings release_db7ur3d2dnb2vgogjmsi6mkhxi

by Giacomo Gori, Andrea Trombettoni

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We study Ising chains with arbitrary multispin finite-range couplings, providing an explicit solution of the associated inverse Ising problem, i.e. the problem of inferring the values of the coupling constants from the correlation functions. As an application, we reconstruct the couplings of chain Ising Hamiltonians having exponential or power-law two-spin plus three- or four-spin couplings. The generalization of the method to ladders and to Ising systems where a mean-field interaction is added to general finite-range couplings is as well as discussed.
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Type  article
Stage   accepted
Date   2011-11-15
Version   v2
Language   en ?
arXiv  1109.5529v2
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Revision: fbbfb837-c6aa-4f41-bd62-1c40e38c4fbd