Postmodernism and oral health release_d7e7t4hvpjddhdmlwqnr5c74qq

by Jorge Luis Bécquer Aguila, Ana Margarita Mayor Puerta

Published in Revista Cubana de Estomatología by Editorial Ciencias Médicas.

2015   Volume 52, Issue SupEsp, p66-72


Introduction: in the course of the history of humanity, numerous social changes have taken place. In the twentieth century, in developed Western countries, a new way of thinking and understanding the world emerged, postmodernism, which differs from what until then was called "spirit of modernity". In addressing this issue, it is intended to bring Stomatology professionals to knowledge of the philosophical approaches for application in teaching in particular and in the practice of this profession in general. Relevant comments: postmodernism is not susceptible of clear definition or a finished theory to explain it. It is, above all, a new lifestyle. We can say there is a street postmodernism and other intellectual postmodernism. We are referring to the most contemporary. Postmodernism is the time of "I", the intimacy. Also the individual wants health from the technology, because it is "better health". Professionals long to be armed with the latest technology, master it, and possess the most modern advances. Global considerations: it is imperative to open eyes to this reality. Postmodernism offers opportunities to the analysis of reality; learning in this path should lead to common sense, seeking creativity to be accompanied by sensitivity, humanism and solidarity, so as to contribute to what enriches life.
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