Oral fibrolipoma: An uncommon occurrence. A case report release_d6ijgdv3gzbozpvzhg4ggakew4

by Oshin Verma, Setu P Shah, Jay V Kothari

Published in Journal of Oral Medicine Oral Surgery Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology by IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd.

2023   p233-235


Lipomas are benign tumors, made up of mature adipocytes. They are slow in developing and there is no clear etiology. However, they are rare to occur in oral cavity and are usually present on the buccal mucosa of patients in their sixth to seventh decade. Although benign, their size can lead to functional and aesthetic problems. Therefore, it is important to differentiate an intraoral fibrolipoma from a mucocele, traumatic fibroma, pleomorphic adenoma, etc. for proper treatment and follow-up. Surgical excision is the treatment. Fibrolipoma may sometimes appear to infiltrate the adjacent tissues, which creates confusion in differential diagnosis. Hence, careful histopathological examination is mandatory and regular follow-ups.
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Date   2023-12-15
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