Phase coherent electron transport in asymmetric cross-like Andreev interferometers release_cwkfga3qjrfzteheidk2weatm4

by Pavel E. Dolgirev, Mikhail S. Kalenkov, Andrei E. Tarkhov, Andrei D. Zaikin

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We present a detailed theoretical description of quantum coherent electron transport in voltage-biased cross-like Andreev interferometers. Making use of the charge conjugation symmetry encoded in the quasiclassical formalism, we elucidate a crucial role played by geometric and electron-hole asymmetries in these structures. We argue that a non-vanishing Aharonov-Bohm-like contribution to the current I_S flowing in the superconducting contour may develop only in geometrically asymmetric interferometers making their behavior qualitatively different from that of symmetric devices. The current I_N in the normal contour – along with I_S– is found to be sensitive to phase-coherent effects thereby also acquiring a 2π-periodic dependence on the Josephson phase. In asymmetric structures this current develops an odd-in-phase contribution originating from electron-hole asymmetry. We demonstrate that both phase dependent currents I_S and I_N can be controlled and manipulated by tuning the applied voltage, temperature and system topology, thus rendering Andreev interferometers particularly important for future applications in modern electronics.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2019-06-17
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1906.07305v1
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Revision: be88c5ba-661b-452c-94ba-58055a9e238c