On Quasi Conformally Flat Lp-Sasakian Manifolds With A Coefficient Α release_ctw2sunhpncrda6wh3szccbcmi

by Jay Prakash Singh

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The aim of the present paper is to study properties of<br> Quasi conformally flat LP-Sasakian manifolds with a coefficient α.<br> In this paper, we prove that a Quasi conformally flat LP-Sasakian<br> manifold M (n &gt; 3) with a constant coefficient α is an η−Einstein<br> and in a quasi conformally flat LP-Sasakian manifold M (n &gt; 3)<br> with a constant coefficient α if the scalar curvature tensor is constant<br> then M is of constant curvature.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2016-09-04
Language   en ?
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