Active-Region Tilt Angles: Magnetic Versus White-Light Determinations of Joy's Law release_cnkmiphbjnhjdbg73vy2kqcveu

by Y.-M. Wang, R. C. Colaninno, T. Baranyi, J. Li

Entity Metadata (schema)

abstracts[] {'sha1': '4683b5c5fe2cf44ebb937a86085e102c2595efd9', 'content': 'The axes of solar active regions are inclined relative to the east--west\ndirection, with the tilt angle tending to increase with latitude ("Joy\'s law").\nObservational determinations of Joy\'s law have been based either on white-light\nimages of sunspot groups or on magnetograms, where the latter have the\nadvantage of measuring directly the physically relevant quantity (the\nphotospheric field), but the disadvantage of having been recorded routinely\nonly since the mid-1960s. White-light studies employing the historical Mount\nWilson (MW) database have yielded tilt angles that are smaller and that\nincrease less steeply with latitude than those obtained from magnetic data. We\nconfirm this effect by comparing sunspot-group tilt angles from the Debrecen\nPhotoheliographic Database with measurements made by Li and Ulrich using MW\nmagnetograms taken during cycles 21--23. Whether white-light or magnetic data\nare employed, the median tilt angles significantly exceed the mean values, and\nprovide a better characterization of the observed distributions. The\ndiscrepancy between the white-light and magnetic results is found to have two\nmain sources. First, a substantial fraction of the white-light "tilt angles"\nrefer to sunspots of the same polarity. Of greater physical significance is\nthat the magnetograph measurements include the contribution of plage areas,\nwhich are invisible in white-light images but tend to have greater axial\ninclinations than the adjacent sunspots. Given the large uncertainties inherent\nin both the white-light and the magnetic measurements, it remains unclear\nwhether any systematic relationship exists between tilt angle and cycle\namplitude during cycles 16--23.', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'lang': 'en'}
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{'index': 1, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'R. C. Colaninno', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
{'index': 2, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'T. Baranyi', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
{'index': 3, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'J. Li', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
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release_date 2014-12-07
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release_year 2014
title Active-Region Tilt Angles: Magnetic Versus White-Light Determinations of Joy's Law
version v1
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Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

arxiv.base_id 1412.2329
arxiv.categories ['astro-ph.SR']
arxiv.comments 35 pages, 13 figures, Accepted in ApJ