The Goddesses and Gods of Saul release_cn5e43wr65bpjgqbk6py26avie

by Silas Klein Cardoso

Published in Pistis & Praxis: Teologia e Pastoral by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.

2020   Volume 12


Recent studies considered the identification of the worshipped deities in the Central Hill Country Canaan at the end of Iron Age I an impossible task. The opinion was based on the difficulty of overcoming the multiple ideologies and textual layers of the late biblical texts that portray the region at the time. The present paper, from the conceptual framework called "Magical-Mythical Networks," tries to take up the challenge by integrating the data from local visual culture to the previous textual and archaeological studies. In using the social organization and the data from multiple sources, it is proposed two levels of deities that may have been part of the religious experience of the inhabitants, such as the possible identification of them.
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Year   2020
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ISSN-L:  1984-3755
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