@article{meraj_khan_2022, title={Traces of Marxism leading to Color Prejudice in the Novel based drama}, DOI={10.52700/ijlc.v3i2.124}, abstractNote={The character of Parizaad from the drama Parizaad, aired on Hum TV in 2021, is the subject of the current study. Using Marxist theory, we were able to better understand the character of Parizaad in the narrative. The qualitative analysis of the data was carried out by the researcher. Its possible that Marxism had an influence onthis drama. Hashims Urdu novel Parizaad shows the terrible reality of Pakistani society in all its complexity, and is a must-read for anybody interested in the countrys history. For a change, its a breath of fresh air to read a story that takes on Pakistani societys laws as well as the rich and powerful in such a straightforward way. Numerous Parizaad have died as a result of the current societal system crushing them under its weight. Race, injustice, and socioeconomic inequality are just a few of the issues that are addressed in it. It has been identified that the drama portrayed the racial and class discrimination in the society through realistic lens and exposed the plight of the poor, marginalized and often ridiculed poor class.}, publisher={The Women University Multan, Pakistan}, author={Meraj, Bushra and Khan, Ali Hassan}, year={2022}, month={Dec} }