Public Opinions of Black Democrats in Texas: An Empirical Investigation release_chgtxpfp6zdghgrh364dzddlgq

by Michael O. Adams, L. Anthony Johnson, Gbolahan S. Osho

Published in Journal of Public Administration and Governance by Macrothink Institute, Inc..

2022   Volume 12, p35


On August 25, 1979, a group of African-American leaders met at the Holiday Inn in Duncanville, Texas. Robert Malson, Assistant Director of Domestic Policy for the White House, was the speaker. The vision was enthusiastically embraced by those in attendance. As with most coalitions, the Texas coalition of black Democrats, which exists under the auspices of the Texas Democratic Party, benefits from certain advantages: with chapters in most counties in Texas, it certainly enjoys a large base of support, networks and connections and projects the image of strength in numbers among its members. In 2018, Black candidates stepped up across the State to lead.  In Texas, Black Democrats running for office included: 18 candidates for US Congress, 9 candidates for statewide office, 34 candidates for Texas Legislature, and hundreds more Black Democrats for county & local offices.  In 2020, the Coalition surveyed its members to determine what we were thinking as Black Texan Democrats.  Therefore, the survey is an attempt to define an agenda to support our aggressive campaigns to serve as strong advocates for our community. The research concluded that in order to continue to be relevant in Texas politics, the coalition must grow and sustain its membership, continue to develop its agenda around issues that are central to the interests of its members as well as the agenda of the Democratic Party including justice, opportunity, equity and economic prosperity.
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Date   2022-12-31
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