@article{seixas_østergaard_johannsen_neven_2021, title={Energy System Sustainability}, DOI={10.5278/ijsepm.6850}, abstractNote={This issue presents some of the latest findings within energy planning research and form a special issue from the 2021 5th Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association of Energy Economics as well as for the 2020 Sustainable Development of Energy, Waste and Environmental Systems conference series. The work presented probes into the effects of the European emissions' trading system on innovation, and the development of the Chinese wind power industry. Notable is also an analysis of people at Portuguese universities revealing lesser knowledge of renewable energy technologies but a more positive attitude towards this among women – and vice versa among men. EnergyPLAN-based energy systems analyses with cases from Iran and Serbia are presented, and different indicators for energy systems analyses are deliberated in a Mexican context. Marine energy developments in Columbia, the United Kingdom, Canada and Denmark are discussed with a focus on siting and barriers. Also, barriers against solar energy exploitation in Indonesia are explored as are barriers against energy savings in Nigeria.}, publisher={International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management}, author={Seixas, Júlia and Østergaard, Poul Alberg and Johannsen, Rasmus Magni and Neven, Duic}, year={2021}, month={Sep} }