@article{nitschke_mckimmie_vanman_2022, title={sj-pdf-1-pwq-10.1177_03616843221118018 - Supplemental material for The Effect of Heuristic Cues on Jurors' Systematic Information Processing in Rape Trials}, DOI={10.25384/sage.20938936.v1}, abstractNote={Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-pwq-10.1177_03616843221118018 for The Effect of Heuristic Cues on Jurors' Systematic Information Processing in Rape Trials by Faye T. Nitschke, Blake M. McKimmie, and Eric J. Vanman in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering}, publisher={SAGE Journals}, author={Nitschke, Faye T. and McKimmie, Blake M. and Vanman, Eric J.}, year={2022}, month={Sep} }