Objectivity in Social Sciences: Embracing Openness release_c7dlrsmddrcs7mpj6veoixnaxe

by Weijian Li

Published in BCP Social Sciences & Humanities by Boya Century Publishing.

2023   Volume 21, p681-686


Value-laden social sciences have been discussed over its objectivity ever since its birth. The issue around objectivity is of methodological and oncological importance, further concerning the disciplines' credibility and long-term development. This paper aims to bring about several crucial debates around this topic, hoping to bring in new spotlights for the academia's faith in the future of social sciences. It thus reviews some essential literature pieces, and analyses and summarises their core points and distinct perspectives. The paper focuses on three major topics, the value-laden nature of social sciences, the cultural factors and the fall of fact/value dichotomy. In conclusion, it suggests for a kind of openness in the academia, as scholars admit the subjectiveness lying in their work and open themselves for scrutiny and judgement.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2023-02-15
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