@article{lusiani_putrawan._2018, title={Employees Citizenship Behavior On Managing Environment: Its Relation To Job Description, Leader Behavior And Personality.}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.1174788}, abstractNote={This research was aimed at finding out whether there was a relationship between job description, leader behavior and personality with employees? citizenship behavior on managing the environment. A correlational study was used by involving 150 employees of industrial park as a sample. There were four instruments which measured citizenship behavior on managing the environment (rel. .939), job description (rel. .934), leader behavior (rel. .926), and personality (rel. .971). Data was analyzed by regression and correlation. Results revealed that there was positive and significant correlation among those variables, even though it was controlled by second-order correlation, it was still significant among them. Therefore, it could be concluded that if citizenship behavior on managing the environment would be improved, then job description, leader behavior and personality should be taken into consideration.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Lusiani, Rina and Putrawan.}, year={2018}, month={Jan} }