@inbook{matsushima chiu_2022, title={Our Zine Futures: A Call for Accessible, Inclusive, and Diverse Zine Communities}, DOI={10.17613/5pjr-mp68}, abstractNote={In "Our Zine Futures," zinesters have begun to reimagine what zines mean to them, and what it means to engage with the future of zines. Through surveying the zine community, this chapter examines key areas of concern regarding the accessibility of zines and zine spaces, practicing inclusivity and radical safer spaces, and critically examining gatekeeping in the zine community. This chapter will summarize and analyze the responses to the "Future of Zines" survey, which was taken voluntarily by eighty-seven people in May 2019. As themes of accessibility, inclusivity, and power emerged, the respondents also commented on zines' form and function, and the reasons behind contemporary zine making.}, publisher={Humanities Commons}, author={Matsushima Chiu, Ann}, year={2022}, month={Sep} }