A sedimentation study of St. Ana Lake (Romania) applying the 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods release_bwyef6ccwvah7igdv565atc5pa

by Robert Begy, Alida Timar-Gabor, Janos Somlai, Constantin Cosma

Published in Geochronometria by Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

2011   Volume 38, p93-100


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> The biggest problem with most lakes that have no contact with other water sources and are being charged by precipitation is the massive eutrophication. The aim of this work was to determine the sedimentation rate in order to evaluate the progress of eutrophication for St. Ana Lake (Ciomad Mountain near the Băile Tuşnad in Harghita County (Romania)). The concentration of 210Pb was determined by means of high resolution gamma spectrometry as well as derived from 210Po activity which was measured through alpha spectrometry; values obtained are in good agreement. For the excess 210Pb activity values between 4.0±0.5 Bq/kg and 218±20 Bq/kg have been found. As an alternative method, the 137Cs dating method was applied as well. Calculated mass sedimentation rates are in the range of 0.06±0.01 to 0.32±0.05 g/cm2 year with a mean of value of 0.15±0.02 g/cm2 year. Linear sedimentation rates yielded much higher sedimentation values (between 0.5±0.1 and 7.9±0.7 cm/year with a mean of 2.4±0.6 cm/year), due to the predominant organic matter composition and the long suspension time of the sediment. This is an indication for the process of eutrophication which will probably lead to the transformation of the lake into a peat bog.
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Date   2011-06-01
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