Morphometric and Histological Analysis of 'Spondylosis Deformans' of Thoracic Region in South-Indian Cadaveric Spines
Naveen Kumar,
Ashwini Aithal P,
Swamy Ravindra S,
Arijit Bishnu,
Satheesha Nayak B,
Mohandas Rao KG
2017 p94-102
Background: Osteophyte is a bony outgrowth in the vertebral column. Its high prevalence and clinical importance prompted us to conduct this study of thoracic osteophytes. Aim and Objectives: Morphometric and histological study of thoracic osteophytes in the cadaveric vertebral column to understand their development, frequency of occurrence and distribution. Material and Methods: Frequency of occurrence of osteophytes was studied in 50 cadavers of Indian origin over a period of five years. The thoracic part of the vertebral columns were dissected and examined. The vertebral levels of osteophytes, their exact distribution, and morphometric measurements were recorded. A small piece of the osteophyte was removed, processed and stained with Haemetoxylin& Eosin [H & E] stains for histopathological examination. Results: Osteophytes were present in 7 specimens (14%). They were predominantly found on the right side of the lower thoracic vertebral bodies. H & E stained sections of the osteophytes showed features resembling a cancellous bone which strongly indicate that the osteophytes are in development stage, and they develop by the process of endochondral ossification. Conclusion: We found a high incidence of thoracic osteophytes in our study, which mandates further studies in this regard.
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