Morphometric and Histological Analysis of 'Spondylosis Deformans' of Thoracic Region in South-Indian Cadaveric Spines release_bugnishjenbclhol7gbzfmwcvy

by Naveen Kumar, Ashwini Aithal P, Swamy Ravindra S, Arijit Bishnu, Satheesha Nayak B, Mohandas Rao KG

Published in Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University by Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University.

2017   p94-102


Background: Osteophyte is a bony outgrowth in the vertebral column. Its high prevalence and clinical importance prompted us to conduct this study of thoracic osteophytes. Aim and Objectives: Morphometric and histological study of thoracic osteophytes in the cadaveric vertebral column to understand their development, frequency of occurrence and distribution. Material and Methods: Frequency of occurrence of osteophytes was studied in 50 cadavers of Indian origin over a period of five years. The thoracic part of the vertebral columns were dissected and examined. The vertebral levels of osteophytes, their exact distribution, and morphometric measurements were recorded. A small piece of the osteophyte was removed, processed and stained with Haemetoxylin& Eosin [H & E] stains for histopathological examination. Results: Osteophytes were present in 7 specimens (14%). They were predominantly found on the right side of the lower thoracic vertebral bodies. H & E stained sections of the osteophytes showed features resembling a cancellous bone which strongly indicate that the osteophytes are in development stage, and they develop by the process of endochondral ossification. Conclusion: We found a high incidence of thoracic osteophytes in our study, which mandates further studies in this regard.
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Year   2017
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ISSN-L:  2231-4261
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