Challenges in the differential diagnosis of primary diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the lung release_bsbhbsx7knhuvgwzfolr5dlr34

by N. V. Chernichenko, I. Dzh. Lagkueva, Ya. Yu. Murzin, Petr Kotlyarov, O. P. Bliznyukov, V. A. Solodkiy

Published in Russian Pulmonology by Scientific and Practical Reviewed Journal Pulmonology.

2021   Volume 31, p384-390


The described clinical case shows the challenges in the differential diagnosis of primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the lung. It has been shown that the diagnosis can be made only by a morphological examination of a biopsy specimen, and the specimen should be representative and allow for full histological and immunohistochemical testing. A correct diagnostic algorithm, an interdisciplinary approach, the use of new technologies, particularly radiation imaging methods, to reliably determine the primary localization and spread of the pathological process, biopsies for the morphological confirmation shorten the time to diagnosis. A quick diagnosis improves the treatment outcomes and affects the quality of life and life expectancy of patients.
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Date   2021-06-10
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