@article{a.e._2013, title={Perfected Approach to Setting Norms of Permissible Impact on Chemical Substances' Input to a Water Body}, DOI={10.35567/1999-4508-2013-2-4}, abstractNote={A perfected method of setting norms of permissible impact in terms of chemical substances' input into a water body has been presented. This enables to set representatively and differentially norms of adverse impact in terms of pollutants' input to a water-economic section both in respect of their total permissible input and in respect of the waste waters discharged from the pollutant sources at the said section. The method includes the mechanism of calculation of pollutants normal discharge (mass-transfer) to the downstream part of the water body; this enables to supplement substantially the list of indicators to be normalized, this facilitates effective water quality management at water/economic areas.}, number={2, 2013}, publisher={Russian Research Institute for Integrated Water Management and Protection - RosNIIVKh}, author={A.E.}, year={2013} }