@article{leitner_physiologie_dr.)_2012, title={Molekulare Eigenschaften und pathophysiologische Relevanz der charakteristischen K+ Leitfähigkeit in cochleären äußeren Haarzellen}, DOI={10.17192/z2012.0825}, abstractNote={Cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) are characterised by the voltage-dependent K+ conductance IK,n that previously was shown to be mediated by KCNQ4 (Kv7) channel subunits. IK,n/KCNQ4 dominates the electrical properties of the OHC cell membrane and furthermore is essential for OHC survival. Genetic deletion of KCNQ4 causes progressive degeneration of OHCs and deafness. Similarly, KCNQ4 loss-of-function mutations cause the progressive form of hereditary deafness DFNA2. The molecular mechanism leading to OHC degeneration remains elusive, but the survival of OHCs has been linked directly to KCNQ4 channel function. Strikingly, the loss of OHCs is phenotypically similar to OHC degeneration caused by ototoxic substances and noise damage (acquired hearing loss), but a role of IK,n/KCNQ4 in acquired hearing loss has never been investigated so far. In the present study I investigated the pathophysiological relevance of IK,n for OHC degeneration caused by aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotics. Since KCNQ4 channel function is essential for OHC survival, chemical current augmentation may provide a protective strategy against KCNQ4-related hearing loss. Thus, I analysed whether chemical KCNQ channel openers rescued IK,n currents from pathological inhibition. In brief, I found that AGs rapidly entered OHCs and that entry was necessary for IK,n current inhibition. The inhibition was caused by functional depletion of phospholipids by the AGs that are essential for the function of IK,n/KCNQ4. Various AGs exhibit different ototoxic potential, i.e. neomycin causes OHC degeneration whereas gentamicin damages vestibular hair cells. Strikingly, the degree of IK,n inhibition (neomycin > gentamicin) correlated with the phospholipid binding efficiency and with the ototoxic potential of the respective AG. Given the dependence of OHCs on IK,n, the o [...]}, publisher={Philipps-Universität Marburg}, author={Leitner, Michael and Physiologie and Dr.)}, year={2012}, month={Sep} }