Markham's Opus Remembering the Past—Watching it Repeat From the Great Recession to the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Financial History of the United States 2010–2020 (by Jerry W. Markham 2022) release_blsja3mpzbcr5e6xzykj3fs73u

by Christian Johnson

Published in FIU Law Review by Florida International University.

2024   Volume 18, Issue 3, p559-564


This article discusses the impact and significance of Professor Jerry Markham's financial history entitled "From the Great Recession to Covid-19 Pandemic: A Financial History of the United States 2010-2020. The article describes how this volume 7 to his series on the financial history of the United States captures the significance of the financial events and tumult that occurred between 2010 and 2020.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2024-03-19
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