@article{bhavar_trivedi_2021, title={SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGEMENT OF VATARAKTA: A REVIEW ARTICLE}, DOI={10.46607/iamj1709102021}, abstractNote={BACKGROUND: In today's modern period, the lifestyle of people has changed, food habits also has changed, it is going more towards sedimentary lifestyle. People nowadays preferred to have instant, junk, and spicy fast food than a normal healthy diet. Hence nowadays more and more people are developing so many metabolic disorders due to inactive, sluggish, seated lifestyles. Among so many metabolic disorders gout is the one that commonly occurs in today's modern manner of living. Purine metabolism causes hyperuricemia and deposition of monosodium urate crystals in joints. In Ayurveda, Vatarakta shows so much resemblance with gouty arthritis. Vatarakta is mainly an Avaranajanya Vata Pradhan Tridoshaja Vyadhi where Rakta is main Dushya.Vatarakta is more distressing. Due to the desk-bound lifestyle, many people are affected constantly by this severe disease. Currently, in modern science NSAIDS, allopurinol, colchicine, the corticosteroid is being used to treat gout. But these drugs have many adverse effects and disadvantages Panchkarma induced Shodhana and Shamana is not only an important component of Ayurvedic treatment but also the elemental basis of Ayurvedic treatment. Different procedures like Swedana, Va- mana, Virechana, Basti, Raktamokshana focuses on purification which detoxifies the patient's body and thus helps in correcting metabolism at the molecular level. Hence the Panchkarma is a quirky approach in the management of Vatarakta. Shamana refers to all the Ayurvedic procedures and protocols that reduce suppress and eliminate thedisease. Shamana Chikitsa is planned to make the patient recover and feel healthier by suppressing the disease symptoms. Hence while the inherent disease might still be present the patient going through Shamana Chikitsa can control the symptoms. Keywords: Ayurveda, Cataract, Vata, Rakta, Gouty arthritis.}, number={10}, publisher={International Ayurvedic Medical Journal}, author={Bhavar, Vaibhavi and Trivedi, Atal Bihari}, year={2021}, month={Oct} }